France 2 channel TV-movie starring Stéphane Rideau, Marie-Anne Chazel and Bruno Lochet directed by Gérard Marx produced by Auteurs Associés (Biopic, 2011)
Who is Georges before Brassens? From his youth to his first success (1938-1952), the life of a poet who could have become a thug.
A playful and cocky young man, It’s through hard work and after years of difficult times, that he’ll become the great artist, known by all french people.
His taste for the words, the friends, his love for women, his integrity, his faithfullness with his close friends and family…
Writer, poet and musician, the life of a free man.
La mauvaise réputation (Arrangement orchestral Brassens / Warner Chappell Music France)
Le parapluie (Arrangement orchestral Brassens / Warner Chappell Music France)
Brassens and his father
Impasse Florimont
De Sète à Paris
La mauvaise réputation (orchestral arrangement)
Sous le parapluie (orchestral arrangement)
J’ai RDV avec Puppchen (orchestral arrangement)
L’auvergnat célesta (orchestral arrangement)
La canne de Jeanne (orchestral arrangement)
Yvonne est à l’hôpital