Le tueur de Montmartre

(Animation black comedy, 2007)

Animated feature film directed by Borislav Sajtinac, produced by Sajtinac Productions, awarded with “2007 Best Feature Film Award” from Cinanima International Festival, Portugal / “2009 Athena Grand Prize Award” from International Animated Film Festival of ANIMFEST, Greece / “2009 Best Feature Film Award” and “2009 National Student Award” from Kecskemet International Film Festival, Hungary / “2009 Best Animated Film Award” from Louisville’s International Festival of Film, USA / “2010 Royal Reel Award” from Canada Film Festival, Vancouver.

The Snake

(Thriller, 2006)

Feature film starring Yvan Attal, Clovis Cornillac, Pierre Richard and Olga Kurylenko, directed by Éric Barbier, produced by Fidélité Films, distributed by Wild Bunch Distribution

Les champignons de Paname

(Science fiction-comedy, 2005)

Short film directed by Geraud Pineau, produced by Mordicus Productions, awarded with ‘Best Movie Award and Public Award’ – 48 hour Film project in Paris, ‘2nd runner up’ in San Jose (CA, USA).

Rien de grave

rien de grave

(Comedy, 2004)

Short film starring Jean Dujardin, directed by Renaud Philipps, produced by Les films du trésor.
(Orchestrations and recording supervision)

Ne meurs pas

ne meurt pas

(Drama, 2003)

TV-movie for France 2 channel starring Roger Hanin, directed by José Pinheiro produced by JLA Productions.

Une femme piégée

affiche_une femme piégée_UK

(Detective film, 2001)

TV-movie for M6 channel starring Marion Cotillard, directed by Laurent Carceles produced by Alizés Films.

La proie et l’ombre

affiche La proie et l'ombre pour site

(Thriller, 2000)

TV-movie for M6 channel starring Marine Delterm directed by Olivier Chavarot produced by Hamster Productions.



(Drama, 2000)

Feature film starring Olivier Martinez, Claude Brasseur, Sergi Lopez and Maribel Verdu directed by Éric Barbier, produced by Vertigo Productions.

Peur blanche

La proie et l'ombre

TV-movie for M6 channel starring Alexandra Van Deer Noot directed by Olivier Chavarot produced by Alizés Films. Awarded with 1998 Cognac Award (France).

A Christmas Gift

a christmas gift

(Animation, 1997)

Short animation movie (Boston, USA), awarded with ‘George Delerue Award’ – 1997